Linden Lodge School in Wandsworth (SW London) is for pupils with profound multiple disabilities and specialises in teaching children from 3 to 19 years old with sensory impairments. Pupils come from all over the South of England thanks to its boarding facilities and most pupils travel in with special taxi or bus services. As such, parents and carers of the pupils rarely get a chance to meet at the school gates.
Community at Linden Lodge (C@LL) aims to address this sense of isolation by building a support network with a strong sense of community through a range of activities, events and information sharing. Run by a dedicated team of volunteer parents and staff, C@LL brings together a huge amount of talent for good.
Our Constitution
C@LL is set-up as a Parentkind “Friends of” type association. Our constitution was formally adopted at a EGM on 13 February 2019.
You can view it here.
Registered Charity
C@LL is registered with the Charity Commission for England & Wales. Our registered number is 1184769.
You can view our official registration page here.